Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Tante Girang Indo Hot

Tante Girang Indo Hot. Care and Natural Medicine Ambaien. Ambaien signs include: anus feels hot / pain / itching, anal ache when bowel movements, rectal prolapse of mucus, sometimes out darah.nPerawatan and Natural Medicine Ambaien: a. Eat vegetables and fruits for a bowel movement to be smooth. b. After finishing a bowel movement, discharge hole (anus) soaked in warm water plus salt 1 / 2 tablespoon of alum and 1 / 4 tablespoon; be added betel water to reduce pain. c. The night before bed and waking up the morning after drinking cuisine turmeric and palm sugar kawak acid. d. Night and morning exercises abdominal breathing by lifting the foot up and down. e. Avoid fruits and vegetables are sticky and fibrous. f. Exercise with gym / light movements. g. Temu lawak 10 pieces, kawak acid for the thumb, and palm grotto boiled with water until cooked to drink. h. 3 roasted turmeric extract (rhizome), leaf Filer 15 pieces, and leaves ngokilo 7 pieces boiled with 2 cups water until cooked (palm sugar may be added) to drink throughout the day.

Tante Girang Indo Hot. Made Cosmetics Raw Tea. Tea contains catechins that high. Activity of polyphenols and catechins as antioxidants to prevent free radical cell damage that can reduce the aging process is slower. Parents ancient times often recommend every morning wash face with tea water that has been soaked overnight (tea Wayu). Seepage of tea through the pores of the face is believed will make the skin taut face is always visible and shine giving the impression of youth. More than that, tea can also be used to treat some diseases. In China, for instance, green tea is used as a home remedy to heal wounds or prevent skin diseases and diseases due to athlete's foot. Today tea plants have also been used as cosmetic ingredients, including cream for acne, oral care such as toothpaste and mouthwash oral fluid, hair care such as shampoo and conditioner, lip protector, deodorant, skin care such as soaps and lotions, sunblock, to foot care products. Some products are sold in general in the market, some are sold using a multilevel marketing and ordering via the Internet.

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