Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Foto dan Profil Maya Kurnia Indri

Foto Cantik Maya Kurnia Indri. Tadi pas melihat Final Voli Pro Liga di TV, Saya melihat pemain dari Jakarta Popsivo Polwan yang tampak cantik. Nomor punggungya 17, eh ada namanya yaitu Maya Indri. Penasaran, langsung aja searching di Internet. Akhirnya saya menemukan friendsetr-nya. Dalam friendster itu ada foto-fotonya. Ini dia foto-foto cantik Maya Kurnia Indri.






Senin, 23 Mei 2011

JK Pernah Tolak Pembelian Pesawat Xian MA 60

Pesawat Merpati jenis MA 60 buatan Xian Aircraft-China yang jatuh di Kaimana, Papua Barat belum mendapat sertifikat penerbangan dari Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA) Amerika Serikat. Bahkan Mantan Presiden Jusuf Kalla pernah menolak pembelian pesawat itu saat masih menjabat.

“Sejarah pesawat itu memang penuh perdebatan. Saya menolak sejak awal karena tak bersertifikat FAA AS dan pesawat tidak memiliki track record,” kata Jusuf Kalla usai menghadiri resepsi pernikahan anak Wakil Ketua DPRD Jateng Bambang Sadono di Balai Merapi, Kawasan Marina, Semarang, Minggu 8 Mei 2011.
Kalla mengaku tidak mengetahui jika akhirnya pesawat dibeli. Menurutnya ketika itu mantan Ketua Umum Partai Golar yang datang langsung ke Beijing untuk urusan pesawat itu memutuskan jika memang pesawat harus didatangkan mekanismenya harus sewa bukan beli. Dengan demikian, urusan maintenance dan lain-lain masih menjadi urusan sang produsen.

“ Karena sistem sewa, produsen harus bertanggung jawab jika ada masalah dengan pesawat tersebut. Salah satu caranya, produsen diharuskan membangun pabrik dan menyiapkan teknisi dari Cina,” tandasnya

Namun Kalla tidak ingin menebak-nebak penyebab jatuhnya pesawat yang menewaskan seluruh penumpangnya tersebut. Ia tidak mengetahui penyebab kecelakaan tersebut. 'Yang jelas, kecelakaan itu bisa disebabkan macam-macam. Mulai cuaca, human error, atau teknis mesin jadi harus diselidiki secepatnya untuk mengetahui penyebab pasti jatuhnya pesawat itu,” ujar Kalla.

Seperti diketahui kecelakaan pesawat Merpati tipe MA60 terjadi pada Sabtu, 7 Mei 2011, pukul 14.05 WIT di perairan Kaimana, 500 meter dari sisi runway Bandar Udara Kaimana. Pesawat Merpati sempat berputar-putar sebelum memutuskan turun dan akhirnya jatuh.

Dua Gempa Landa Indonesia Pagi Ini

Dua gempa di atas 5 skala Richter terjadi di dua tempat di Indonesia pagi ini. Gempa pertama terjadi pada pukul 04.43 di barat daya Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, dengan kekuatan 5,7 skala Richter. Gempa kedua terjadi di barat daya Bitung, Sulawesi Utara, pukul 08.19 WIB, Sabtu 14 Mei 2011, dengan kekuatan 5,5 skala Richter.

Gempa di Cilacap ini terjadi di laut, pada kedalaman 10 kilometer, 290 kilometer barat daya Cilacap atau 9,93 lintang selatan dan 107,6 bujur timur. Gempa ini tidak berpotensi tsunami.

Gempa di Bitung terjadi di laut pula di kedalaman 101 kilometer, 133 barat daya Bitung atau 0,25 lintang utara dan 125,14 bujur timur. Menurut Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika, gempa ini juga tidak berpotensi tsunami.

Foto Artis Navy Rizki Tavania Upskrit

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Navy Rizkitavania

Originate on the professionalism, Navy Rizkitavania courage bikini in the film 'Air Terjun Pengantin' . Whereas previously, the virgin birth of Jakarta, January 21, 1993 was only playing as a ordinary girl in her first film, OH ... BABY, starring with Cinta Laura.

'If the bra is still within normal limits, such as on the beach yes I would. Because if on the beach I wear a bikini,' she said when met at the bridal preskon Waterfall, on the FX Plaza, Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (30/11).

There was no constraint faced by the Navy Rizki Tavania after the shooting. Even from the family and the school was supporting his professional career in the film is made by Rizal Mantovani. 'Allowed in the same family, even Mom who drove. If teachers understand because I think I've jumped into the world of junior high art this role,' said Navy Rizki Tavania.

Problem of education is also no problem. Third grade high school students Triguna Jakarta has been preparing everything in order not to interfere with her schooling. 'Fortunately appropriate filming the first time I entered third grade, but if now I do not want to thank first because the concentration of graduation let not it difficult,' said Navy Rizki Tavania.

Foto Seksi Paha Mulus Artis Maia Estianty

Maia Estianty

Maia Estianty

Maia Estianty

Maia Estianty

Maia Estianty Find New Challenge in his career

Maia Estianty seems to want to seek new challenges in his career. She explained that currently he was like behind the scenes because the music she's already got what she accomplished.

'In music I've reached the point of getting awards. Not in a comfort zone, but I've got all the music so would anything else. I am now again looking to create a new adrenaline rush,' he said when met at the show TV One Opinion on City Walk, Sudirman, Jakarta, Thursday (30 / 9).

Currently Maia Estianty tried to pursue songwriting world. Because according to the woman who became the author is very rare in Indonesia. She hopes more women could be like this.

'Rather than anything else, women who could write songs, arranger was infrequently really. I expect a lot of women are like this,'

Former wife of Ahmad Dhani has also confirmed that she will not leave the world to sing.

'Sing baseball as possible, I wanted to like Titik Puspa, but perhaps my appearance baseball as before, now turns the same young,' she said.

Foto Seksi Artis Cathy Sharon di FHM Magazine

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

Cathy Sharon

Ridho Rhoma: Proven Work Me and Cathy Sharon OK

Not denied by the singer Rhoma Ridho, if proximity to Cathy Sharon often invite questions. However, he believes, about the soul mate is in the hands of God, and he had been still limited to a friend.

'Many hear comments of people if we match, yes it is their hope, but I do not focus on where I focus the same God. let alone as long as I can make people happy so it's OK,' said Ridho Rhoma when met at the event launching the new single Goliath , Thousand Stay in Cilandak Town Square, Thursday (14/10).

When together with Cathy Sharon, son of dangdut singer Rhoma Irama was often discuss the talk of your fans, or anyone who discusses the proximity to Cathy Sharon.

'If there is news or twitter is talking about the two of us were so funny-persiflage alone, laughter materials,' she said while holding a smile.

Ridho the inaugural play in the film strings together two Cathy Sharon's romance was not refused if there is an offer to play the movie back. For him no problem with the back of this issue more outstanding.

'If that makes me swamped job who does not want? Why not? Because cooperation has proven to me by Cathy Sharon was indeed ok,' said the bearded man was.

Ridho admitted, working with Cathy Sharon for a fellow professional is more of an art worker. Included in the indie film directed by Cathy Sharon who also involve themselves.

'So far mostly about professional job, a matter he became director,' she concluded.

Foto Artis Lotta Aleksandrovna Senk ( Senk Lotta )

Senk Lotta

Senk Lotta

Senk Lotta

Senk Lotta

Senk Lotta Biography :

Full name, Lotta Senk Alexandrovna, but she is more better known as Senk Lotta. Senk Lotta, is a model of Uzbek origin who end his career in Indonesia.

Diperistri by actor Fauzi Baadilah on January 23, 2007, make a name Senk Lotta increasingly known in the entertainment world country.

In early February 2008, Senk Lotta threatened to be deported to their home country. This is because the ID card in the name of allegedly false Senk Lotta.

Senk Lotta gait in the entertainment world starting by being a model in magazines and continues to be a model with a video clip with her husband, Fauzi for D'Alpha band.

Big Dipper Fauzi and Senk Lotta households reportedly cracked in mid-November 2009. But this news was denied by Fauzi. But it turns out the facts say otherwise, at the end of December 2009, Lotta sued for divorce the husband. Lotta steady filed suit for divorce is through the PA in East Jakarta on November 23, 2009, as households feel they have built together Fauzi had different visions and can not be reconciled.

Although at this time she was embroiled in issues of divorce with Fauzi, did not make the gait Lotta hiccup. She was even more confident for a career in the ground water even without accompanied by her husband. Lotta trusted as a model video clip Anang Hermansyah and The Dance Company.

Did not take long for Senk Lotta for divorce. On January 27, 2010, in East Jakarta PA, Lotta has decided officially divorced with Fauzi. Although it has been divorced, Senk Lottanot necessarily return to his country, Uzbekistan. Because there is a contract with management, so she chose to settle in Indonesia.

Foto Artis Ingrid Kansil photoshoot Session

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Ingrid Kansil Biography :

Ingrid Maria Palupi Kansil or better known by Ingrid Kansil was a star acting, and also host a number of product commercials. Born in Cianjur, November 9, 1976, Ingrid began his career as commercials before then starred in the film.

Former host of the program is recorded KROSCEK gossip have become advertisements for products Sari Wangi Tea Bags, IDD 008, Terasi Mama Like, Oskadon, Diabetasol, Shell and Baygon Lavender. As for the soap opera that once starred in them roar DUST, INTAN, Wulan, GHOST, Taqwa, Azizah, LIGHT, LIA, Safa and Marwa and others.

Ingrid Kansil itself was the wife of DR. Syarief Hasan, SE, MBA, a member of Parliament, which in 2009 was appointed Minister of State for Cooperatives and SMEs in the United Indonesia Cabinet Volume II. Weddings by Ingrid Syarief done on June 26, 1999, in which when married, Syarief is a widower with three children. From this marriage, Ingrid have children Ziankha Amorrette Fatimah Syarief.

Following her husband, an alumnus of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences (IISIP) Jakarta in 2009 elections had become one of the artists who managed to sit in Senayan

Foto Artis Ingrid Kansil Photoshoot with Shoes Collections

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Ingrid Kansil Cares Nation Cultural Preservation

Artists who are also members of the council, Ingrid Kansil, seems to want to help preserve the national culture in different ways.She showcased kebaya - kebaya batik because it is the identity of the nation.

'There is no preparation for long because I do not have the time. Most previous measure shirt and do the dress rehearsal. By bringing fashion nation's children, I feel it too work. Come participate preserve the national culture because kebaya is the nation's identity,' said Ingrid Kansil when met at Fashion Show Kartini's Month by Amy Atmanto, Harvey Nichols, Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (27/04).

According to Ingrid Kansil, unlike batik Indonesian batik made in other countries. And the history contained in batik really high value. Therefore, Ingrid Kansil always use Indonesian products in their daily life.

'Indonesian Batik is different from Thailand and Malaysian-made batik. In Indonesia, every piece is of high historical value. By using batik, Indonesian aura will come out. In addition to helping local artisans, I tried to transmit the viruses good use of domestic products around us. Society loves Indonesian products do not need to wear kebaya every day but know the value of tradition can be removed through anything, including fashion, 'she said.

Ingrid Kansil own claim to always use local products, such as batik, gold earrings from Bali, NTB bracelet of elephant ivory, or bags, sandals, and shoes, all made in Indonesia.

'I've Temen's apartment and take my offer. If you do not need to wear a particular brand of batik, which is important we understand about batik and print. Batik is expensive and difficult to make. One of batik can be four months for her. If printed batik cheap because the process not for long. This is different to that outside. If the outside of it such as Malaysia and Thailand, they are only using batik cap, 'added Ingrid who often designs her own clothes this.

Foto Artis Indonesia Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Inggrid Kansil

Ingrid Kansil Ready to Promote his father

Ingrid Kansil, member of Parliament from the Democratic Party, expressed readiness to become a successful team and campaigners of his father, H Setyabudi Kansil, in Cianjur election.

'A child would fully support the good against the wishes of his father. My father has been living in Cianjur and very aware of Cianjur,' says Ingrid Kansil, when contacted by telephone on Thursday (06/10).

Setyabudi Kansil, former Chairman of PWI Cianjur Representatives, according to Ingrid Kansil, will apply for the Democratic Party Cianjur, who would become his vehicle to the seat of the regent of Cianjur. According to him, the father has the competence to perform as candidates, let alone he knows and is known for various groups in the area. 'I'm sure my dad already know and master the potential and weaknesses as well as community characteristics Cianjur,' she said.

Ingrid Kansil said the seriousness of the father to go fight in the 2011 elections supported the extended family. Even the family has been making plans and strategies to win his father. 'Families will make` big `BK Center,' she said. BK is the designation for the name Setyabudi Kansil.

Meanwhile, BK moved to hear confession admitted that his first child. 'I am more confident to come forward and expressed readiness for support of family and society in general Cianjur,' she said. She is not going to waste such support and will fight as much as possible in the event the party of democracy Cianjur community.

'Seeing the condition of Cianjur, as now, where is still clearly visible difference between south and north, especially in terms of development, I hope my candidacy is approved. I will give a balance in various fields,' she said. But she could not give the name of the prospective running mate. 'In the near future I will announce and declare who my companion,' she said